So far, we only know that the chipset was developed by global technology companies such as Intel, AMD, Qualcomm, to Mediatek. In fact, Indonesia was apparently able to develop its own chipset. Xirka Silicon Technology, a company that focuses on developing chipset technology, this week launched the SCARD XCT136 chipset.
Local chipset made in Indonesia which is designed for smart card is equipped multifunctional feature in the form of electronic student card. As a tool of attendance, this card will detect student presence through fingerprint scanner. In addition, this card also offers cashless transaction function. So any payment related to university activity can be done by swiping the card.
The development of Xirka chipset is supported by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti), in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Indonesia. Currently the SCCT XCT136 chipset focuses on providing electronic identity cards used in several educational institutions, such as University of Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology, Hasanuddin University, and Telkom University.
Through the Industrial Technology Development Program (PPTI) and Technology Innovation Program, Kemenristekdiki also initiated product development, involving several students from state universities in Indonesia. In other words, Kemenristekdikti provides space for these young talents in order to showcase their innovation among universities.
Based on research from MARS Indonesia, in 2016 there are at least 507,000 new students scattered throughout the State University in Indonesia. “Therefore, to meet market demands, Xirka Silicon Technology is targeting to provide chipsets up to 1 million units per year for those universities,” said Sylvia W. Sumarlin, President Director of PT Xirka Silicon Technology.
Not only research, the entire production process is done in Bandung, West Java, which makes this product claimed safe from all forms of criminal crime, from theft to data forgery. “This chipset is also specially manufactured in Indonesia, so other countries do not have access to dig up detailed information about the components it contains.” This ensures data confidentiality because other countries can not access it without the permission of Xirka, “Sylvia said.
Meanwhile Rudiantara, Minister of Communications and Informatics, said the digital economy has enormous potential in advancing the Indonesian economy. Even this digital sector will contribute to the economic development of Indonesia to 11% in 2020. If achieved, in 2030 Indonesia will occupy the 8th position in the world economy. “Therefore, it takes a greater innovation to be able to compete globally and the development of this chipset is the answer,” said the man who is familiarly called Chief RA is at the launch of Chipset SCARD XCT136 (12/5).
For information, Xirka Silicon Technology was established in May 2008 as a fabless semiconductor company that focuses on the production of WiMAX based chipsets. Xirka presents System-on-Chip (SoC) for Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) using the IEEE 802.16d-2004 standard for nomadic WiMAX and IEEE 802.16e-2005 for mobile WiMAX. Unfortunately, the technology is not developed alias failed in Indonesia.
Furthermore, since 2011, the company began to develop SIM cards, followed by smart card products and derivative products such as access cards, identity cards, and cards for banking, using Near Field Communication and RFID technology.
Xirka chipset products are able to facilitate a variety of IT products, such as, modem cards, computers, notebooks, gadgets, CPE modems, etc. Starting from 2016, Xirka Sillicon Technology has produced Indonesia’s smart card protocol in the form of Key Management System, Card Management System application, and smart card operating system that supports multi-application features.
Sylvia said, the chipset consists of several blocks of data storage. “Each of them offers different functions, such as ID applications, payment tools and loyalty cards.” Early next year, Xirka plans to launch the Near-Field Communication Chipset (NFC), which can be used for electronic payment and ticketing. ”
To optimize data security and storage, Xirka Silicon Technology also collaborates with ITB Microelectronics Center, by strengthening technology across all support systems, including portable card reader, virtual Secure Access Module (SAM), secure network, and card database. To maximize security functionality, the SCCT XCT136 Chipset uses DES and 3DES encryption systems, also adds 136 Kbyte to the chipset to support larger data storage.