Starting next month, LG will announce the LG G6 software update. Three promising new features will accompany this LG G6 software update. In addition to additional security features, a better user experience becomes LG’s focus on expanding the capabilities of this premium smartphone. Third of this intelligence is Face Print, Low Power Consumption, and Covered Lens Warning.
Face Print is an enhanced security option developed by LG with the use of more easily than the existing facial recognition technology. The use of Face Print makes the user will be able to open the LG G6 just by confronting the smartphone on the face, without the need to press any button.
LG G6 Smartphone will soon open (unlock) shortly after the previously registered face is recognizable. This process is claimed to run in an average time of less than a second. The new smartphone camera itself will be active when the user lifts and confronts the smartphone to his face so there is no need for additional power needs to use it. This feature, however, is reminiscent of the similar capabilities of Face Recognition on the Samsung Galaxy S8.
Another new feature, Low Power Consumption. As the name implies, the battery power savings into benefits offered. What makes it special, this intelligence is built in Qualcomm Hexagon DSP architecture integrated into Qualcomm’s Snapdragon’s mobile platform.
Its development also leverages the benefits of the Contextual Hub Runtime Environment (CHRE) to recognize and collect data at any time from various sensors and wireless connections that will enhance the user experience with third-party applications. Along with it, reduces battery power and latency.
Covered Lens notice becomes the next flagship feature in LG G6 software update next month. Its existence makes LG G6 will release notices for users when the finger accidentally covers most of the lens. This is to support a better experience in using shooting mode with wide angle lens. Because the area of the lens capture area makes sometimes the user put a finger accidentally covering the lens capture field that makes the images do not match the desire. The existence of this feature makes the screen will display a notification before the shutter is activated.
In addition to LG G6 software update, LG also reported adding two new color variants for the LG G6 smartphone line that is Optical Marine Blue and Optical Terra Gold. The backs are both covered with layers that give an optical effect.