All mobile operators are currently continuing to expand the 4G LTE network in various regions, not least with XL Axiata. In Southeast Sulawesi Province, XL Axiata 4G LTE network has entered 5 cities/districts and is able to drive the significant increase of data service traffic in the area.
Based on the information we received, there was a 134% increase in data traffic over the past year, including 3 months since the 4G LTE service entered Southeast Sulawesi. XL Axiata 4G LTE service has been present in Kendari City, Bau-Bau City, Kolaka District, Konawe District, and Muna Regency. XL Axiata’s total customer base in Southeast Sulawesi is more than 379 thousand, about 100 thousand of its customers have been actively utilizing 4G LTE service.
To strengthen this 4G LTE service, XL Axiata continues to build infrastructure in Southeast Sulawesi. The number of 4G BTS continues to grow, now reaching 40 units in the five cities/districts that have been reached. The highest number of BTS is in Kendari City which is the provincial capital and economic center.
The addition of this 4G BTS will still continue in accordance with the increasing needs of customers. Meanwhile, the expansion to other cities/regencies in Southeast Sulawesi is also continuously pursued. For other cities/districts not reaching 4G LTE, customers can take advantage of 3G services with improved quality. In total there are about 300 units of 3G BTS in all cities/regencies in Southeast Sulawesi.
In general, across Sulawesi, the demand for Data services on telecommunication customers is also quite high. In the first half of 2017, XL Axiata’s total subscribers throughout Sulawesi were around 2.7 million, the data penetration rate of smartphones (3G and 4G) reached 68%. Especially for 4G smartphone users, the number is more than 1 million subscribers. Meanwhile, data service traffic across Sulawesi has increased by 269% in the past year, and for LTE 4G traffic even up to 509%.
The growth of data services across Sulawesi is driving XL Axiata to continue building data services infrastructure, including 4G LTE, in various provinces. The LTE 4G service has entered and serves the community in 37 other cities/regencies in all provinces in Sulawesi. These cities include Makassar, Manado, Palu, Parepare, Gorontalo, and Kotamobagu. The total 4G BTS throughout Sulawesi currently operates around 500 units and will continue to grow to more than 560 units by the end of 2017. Meanwhile, for 3G services, it has reached all provinces and most cities / Sulawesi, with a total number of 3G BTS reaching more than 1,700 units, and is targeted to more than 1,900 units by the end of the year.
By the end of August 2017, nationwide 338 cities/districts have affordable fast 4G LTE internet services, including hundreds of cities/districts in Java, Bali, Lombok, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. The number of Data service customers in general also continues to increase, currently reaching about 70% of total customers. By the end of June 2017, the number of customers using smartphones has also continued to increase and to about 67% of total customers. Meanwhile, XL 4G LTE service customers also continue to grow and have reached about 20 million of total customers. XL Axiata service is currently supported by a total of more than 93,000 BTS, including more than 42 thousand 3G BTS and more than 14 thousand BTS 4G.