After running since April 2017, the #HYPBarengLOOP program designed by Telkomsel has finally introduced the concept and design of LOOP Arena which is intended as a place for the expression of various youth communities.
The laying of the first stone LOOP Arena was held in the cities of Bogor, Serang, and Cirebon, which further developed in other cities. Telkomsel will provide LOOP Arena in 12 development cities tailored to the needs and hobbies of young people, namely Medan, Pekanbaru, Lampung, Serang, Bogor, Cirebon, Semarang, Banyuwangi, Malang, Balikpapan, Makassar, Manado.
According to the General Manager of Youth & Community Jabotabek Jabar Telkomsel Ricky E Panggabean, LOOP always supports a variety of positive Indonesian youth activities, for example in sports, arts, and others. It believes this positive activity can be useful and will continue to grow if it gets the right support.
“Therefore, #HYPBarengLOOP program is presented as an effort to realize the aspirations of young people and their communities about their hobbies, especially in rural areas, such as the city of Bogor, Serang, and Cirebon,” said Ricky.
For information, at the journey & survey stage that took place in April and May 2017, #HYPBarengLOOP held a series of trips to twelve cities along with four popular key opinion leaders among teenagers, namely Han Yoo Ra, Ronal Surapradja, David John Schaap, and Bisma Karisma. For the city of Bogor, Serang, and Cirebon, broadcaster and actor Ronal Surapradja has been appointed as KOL by LOOP to meet and discuss with various local communities, to accommodate the aspirations and identify the passion point of the community in each city.
Based on the survey results, it has been identified the main passion points of young people in each region, such as skateboarding, basketball, BMX, futsal, art, and music. The results of this survey then became the main inspiration for LOOP Arena design and development in each city. The construction of LOOP Arena itself is planned to be completed soon and can be utilized for various activities of local communities at the end of October 2017.
The results of the concepts and ideas of a number of youth communities that have been implemented in the LOOP Arena development design have also received good response and support from the local government.
Since its launch in March 2014, LOOP has received a positive response among young people with its competitive and creative product offerings in data and digital services. Ricky then explained that in line with his tagline ‘This KITA’, LOOP is also committed to giving more value to Indonesian youth, and for the operational area of Jabotabek Area Jabar itself LOOP customer number has reached more than 3.7 million customers with about 68% is an active and dominant data user of the youth segment.