The perpetrators of SMEs in West Java are very high which amounted to hundreds of thousands. The potential is utilized by Telkomsel which offers MyAds digital advertising service to the perpetrators of Micro Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the city of Bandung.
According to Agustiyono, General Manager of Regional Sales Jabar Telkomsel, digital ad service Telkomsel MyAds can provide convenience for the perpetrators of SMEs who advertise their products in order to create and monitor ads independently at a more affordable cost. “They can promote their products by reaching broader consumers, easy and directed according to the needs of business players,” said Agustiyono in Bandung (09/13/2017).
West Java has great potential for promotion of various products developed by entrepreneurs or SMEs, moreover, Telkomsel has more than 14 million customers in West Java. This means that the target that can be achieved for advertising or promotion has a very wide market share. Advertisers just choose what segments will be targeted for their product promotion.
Through Telkomsel MyAds service advertisers can choose a service to promote their products in bulk, ie send promotions to customer numbers according to the database. Location Based Advertising (LBA), which sends promotions to customers around certain areas. Targeted ie sending promotions to customers according to the profile that customers want.
Telkomsel MyAds has a variety of payment options, such as paying using TCASH’s digital banking services, credit cards, to bank account transfers. Currently, there are seven banks that cooperate with Telkomsel in supporting payment through bank account transfers, such as BRI, BCA, Mandiri, BNI, Danamon, BII, and OCBC NISP.