Along with the increasingly widespread and rapid Internet network connectivity, the market share of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Indonesia began to grow. To be more directed and to anticipate future problems, the government is encouraged to make IoT regulation.
In this regard, Director General of Resources, Devices and Post Informatics Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Ismail, said it already has a general draft to formulate IoT regulations. To that end, Kominfo requested input on all stakeholders to discuss things that need to be regulated in the IoT ecosystem.
“Being in the discussion, so we ask first input from stakeholders,” said Ismail when met at a discussion held by the Internet Technology Forum (ITF) at Balai Kartini, Monday (16/10).
IoT regulation is required as a legal basis for tackling risks in its application. Because IoT allows internet connection in various devices. So one device with other devices can connect and communicate, from lights, refrigerators, to watches. This ecosystem is known as the Internet of Things (IoT).
According to Ismail, the initial IoT regulation will only focus on three issues: frequency issues, technology standards used, and TKDN (domestic content levels). Discussion of this regulation will involve a number of stakeholders, namely telecommunications operators, hardware players, software, to developers (software developers). The target, the IoT regulation will be completed in 2018 in the form of Ministerial Regulation.
Nevertheless, the government will not make IoT regulations too tight. Because the fear will make the industry is not growing. This was confirmed by the Minister of Communications and Informatics, Rudiantara in a statement through voice recording at the ITF event.
“The best regulation is less regulation,” Rudiantara said. “We do not want to strictly regulate the industry that is dynamically fast
However, Chief RA continued, IoT will have an impact on the process of economic growth and people’s lives. Various research institutions describe the data that IOT grows from 2014-2020, and the figure is enormous, according to Gartner about 300 billion dollars, while according to IDC data reached 1.7 trillion.
Based on research institutes as well, IoT’s largest business is derived from device and app business. Second, obtained from connectivity and platform and last from integration system. “This player needs to sit together to formulate the direction or master plan IoT in Indonesia. Because IOT market in Indonesia is projected highest in Southeast Asia about 4 billion dollars in 2020, “said Rudiantara.
Meanwhile, Budiharto, Group Head Business Product of Indosat Ooredoo said that IoT will continue to grow in the future. IoT is even considered our future in telco as the business in communication and data services begin to get saturated.
A number of researchers indicate that the IOT will be one of the services that will grow exponentially as the outbreak of machine to machine communication and artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence and applications. “The role of telecommunication companies is very important as the Main Enabler in the IOT ecosystem,” Budiharto said.