Grab made a new unique breakthrough in online transportation. Working together with the Government tourism office and Department of Transportation of Yogyakarta, this online transportation company launch a new feature named GrabAndong.
FYI, Andong is a traditional horse-drawn carriage, and it was almost extinct in Indonesia. It only exists in some tourism spot and Yogyakarta. This traditional mode of transportation was chosen by Grab to give out the specialty of Yogyakarta. The target of this project is to increase tourist attraction in Yogyakarta, and giving a unique experience tourist.
Why Yogyakarta? It’s because the only city in Indonesia that allowed this traditional modes of transportation named Andong to operate. Although many other cities allowed Andong to operate but it is only in some specific area like tourism area. But Yogyakarta is different because they allowed Andong operate just like other type of vehicle.
According to Managing Director Grab Indonesia, Neneng Goenadi, the launching of GrabAndong is a form to preserving the rich variety of tradition and culture of Yogyakarta for the Community and tourist.
The Minister of Tourism, Arief Yahya said that Grab initiative is the continuous of cooperation in supporting ‘Wonderful Indonesia’ program in supporting the increase in quality of iconic local modes of transportation that can give a fresh and unique experience also became a tourist attraction.
“We hope that with the support of technology, many tourists will come visit Malioboro and Yogyakarta” said Arief Yahya that officially launched GrabAndong in Malioboro Night Festival 2019 in Yogyakarta (23/8/2019).
From the data received from Department of Tourism of Yogyakarta, it stated that the numbers of tourist that visit Yogyakarta increased YOY. At 2017, the average number of tourist in Yogyakarta reaching 435.775 people, where the 50% of it is visiting Malioboro region.
The Governor of Special Region Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X added, Yogyakarta not only offering the beauty of their surrounding location, but also their unique mode of transportation. “Yogyakarta also offer andong as one of the main transportation that attract tourist, so that tourist that came have their own unique experience,” He said.
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GrabAndong in Yogyakarta
Through GrabAndong feature, Grab trying to increase the income of their partners by increasing their productivity. Right now, there is 500 Andong in Malioboro, for the first phase there is only 26 andong that registered for the beginning of GrabAndong Project. In the future Grab will increase their partners to 200 partners do GrabAndong in the next six months.
For the operation, Grab is working together with Paguyuban Andong Special Region Yogyakarta. Some of the income gotten from GrabAndong will be used in supporting the horse care that supported by Gajah Mada University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. In order for the horse that used for GrabAndong that walk 6-7 hours every day keep healthy.
Dr,drh.Yuriadi, M.P. Secretary of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Gajah Mada University explained that the horse used for GrabAndong is a horse whose care is maintained strictly by Paguyuban Andong of Special Region of Yogyakarta. Every day the horses always intensively maintained, starting from cleaning them, taking care of the horse shoe even bathing them.
“In terms of nutrition, every day they were given enough portion of horse food and Tonic so their Stamina is maintained. If there is a sick one, we will readily checked their health,” he said.