Fotografer dan Traveler Muhamad Sadam beberapa waktu lalu berkunjung ke kawasan Tengah, tepatnya di tiga negara yaitu Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, dan Uzbekistan. Ia tertarik traveling ke kawasan ini karena menawarkan destinasi wisata yang beda dan unik, dengan landscape pemandangan alam menawan hingga beragam lokasi bersejarah yang penuh daya tarik.
Interestingly, Saddam's travel moments in Central Asia were captured using the Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G. Menurutnya, smartphone flagship besutan Samsung ini memberi kepraktisan lebih saat huntingfoto selamatravelingdengan tetap menawarkan kualitas foto sekelas kamera profesional.
Hal ini dibenarkan oleh Verry Octavianus, Product Marketing Manager Samsung Mobile Experience, Samsung Electronics Indonesia, yang menyatakan Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G bisa memberikan pengalamanmobile photographyterdepan bagi pengguna, bahkan memungkinkan pengguna untuk mendapatkan foto sekelas profesional dengan begitu praktis di berbagai situasi dan kondisi.
The various capabilities offered by the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G are also what made it win two awards at the prestigious 2023 Indonesia Gadget Award event. At the event organized by Gizmologi and Gagetdiva, the Galaxy S23 won the award for Best Smartphone for Creators as well as the highest award as Best Gadget of the Year.
Baca juga:Inilah Pemenang Indonesia Gadget Award 2023, Rayakan Kolaborasi dan Inovasi Gadget Terbaik
Saddam's photo results using Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
One of the locations Saddam visited was Jeti Oguz, Kyrgyzstan, which is known for its iconic rock formation called the 'Seven Bulls'. Here, he decided to camp and live nomadically so that he could more freely enjoy the various natural views on offer, from valleys to forests. Siapa sangka, keputusan Sadam untuk campingternyata membantunya untuk mengabadikan langit malam Jeti Oguz denganepicmenggunakan fiturAstro Hyperlapsepada Expert RAW di kamera Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G.
Saddam said, one night, he was amazed to see the vast sky decorated with stars and wanted to immortalize it. Saat itu, ia merasa foto saja tidak cukup untuk capturepemandangan yangepic ini, jadi memutuskan untuk mencoba fitur Astro Hyperlapse di Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G.
“Saya posisikan Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G di tempat yang steadyselama 1 jam dan mendapatkan hasilhyperlapseberdurasi 10 detik. Hasilnyabener-benerbagus dan melebihi ekspektasi saya. "The device remains safe even when facing temperatures of -1°C when outside the camp for a long time," said Sadam.
He added that the Astro Hyperlapse feature on the Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G is very easy to use. Cukup pilih Hyperlapse di menu kamera, lalu atur timer, fps, serta kualitas gambar, ia tinggal meletakkan perangkat yang telah terpasang ketripoddi tempat yang diinginkan. Sadam pun menganjurkan untuk mengaktifkan fungsiStar Trailsyang ada di bagian kanan bawah layar agar bisa mendapatkanhyperlapselangit malam yangepic.
Furthermore, Sadam also captured the night sky at Jeti Oguz using the Astrophotography function in Expert RAW which he said was able to bring the starlight to life and provide precise details even though at that time the moonlight was quite dominant.
Kazakhstan's Natural Beauty Captured Well by the S23 Ultra 5G Camera
Apart from visiting Kyrgyzstan, Sadam also visited Kazakhstan where he was spoiled by the beautiful natural landscape, one of which was Kaindy Lake, a 400 meter long lake located 129 kilometers east-southeast of the city of Almaty. Here, Sadam captured many impressive views of Lake Kaindy and the surrounding hills with the Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G.
“Tiap kalitraveling, saya selalu kalungin kamera supaya kalomaumotretlebih gampang. Moreover, because I am quite a perfectionist, I always prioritize the camera to take pictures while on vacation. Tapi, kali ini kualitas Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G yang sudah menandingi kamera profesional bikin saya sampai lupa untuk pakai kamera yang sudah sayakalungin. Saya sendiri kagumbangetwaktu melihat hasil foto Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G karena detail dan warna yang ditampilkan dari objek-objek di alam seperti pohon hingga pasir serupa dengan apa yang saya lihat langsung dengan mata saya sendiri,” tutur Sadam.
Lebih lanjut, Sadam menambahkan bahwa Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G sangatversatiledalam mengambil foto di berbagai kondisi. Ketika berada di tempat dengan paparan cahaya yang tinggi, kualitas foto yang dihasilkan tetap terjaga tanpa menjadioverexposure. Lalu, dalam kondisi low lightdanbacklightyang kerap jadichallengebagismartphonelain, hasil foto Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G tetap detail, natural, dan tidak pecah.
Tak cumaversatiledalam menghadapi berbagai kondisi pencahayaan, Sadam juga melihat tiap lensa di sistem kamera Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G telah memiliki kualitas yang mumpuni dan dapat diandalkan kapan saja. Misalnya, ketika coba pakai mode 50MP, ia bisa mendapatkan detailsceneryyangrealdan ketajaman gambar yang proporsional. Then, when using 12MP mode for campfire photos at night, the Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G can display the vivid and natural colors of the campfire without reducing the details of the surrounding objects.
Appreciating the History of Civilization with Expert RAW S23 Ultra 5G
Apart from Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, Saddam also visited Uzbekistan during his Central Asian adventure. Uzbekistan, yang memuat perkembangan peradaban manusia ribuan tahun lalu, dipilih Sadam karena ketertarikannya mengulik sejarah dari lokasi yang dikunjungi saattraveling. There are two historically rich locations that Saddam visited in Uzbekistan, namely Tashkent and Samarkand.
When in Tashkent, the first destination to visit is the Chorsu Market, one of the oldest markets in Uzbekistan that still functions today. In the past, Chorsu Market was one of the centers of the Silk Road, where many traders stopped by to sell spices. While at Chorsu Market, Sadam took many photos of the market atmosphere and details of the spices. Apart from visiting Tashkent, Saddam also visited Samarkand, a city built around 3.000 years ago. In its development, Samarkand was a very influential central part of past civilization in Central Asia. One of the places Saddam visited in Samarkand was Shah-i Zinda, a building complex that has stood since the 14th century. Interestingly, the tomb of Imam Bukhari, one of the most famous Islamic leaders, is also located in Samarkand.
“Tashkent maupun Samarkand merupakan lokasi yang cantik dengan banyak objek yang bisa di-captureuntuk menjadi foto yangepic. Karena setiap tempat di sini punya warnanya tersendiri, seperti Pasar Chorsu yangvibrantkarena banyak menjual rempah-rempah atau Shah-i Zinda yang memiliki warna biru yangiconic, saya jadi lebih sering pakai Expert RAW di Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G supaya lebih mudahadjustwarna,exposure, atau cahaya untuk mendapatkan detail yang khas dari tiap objek yang difoto. "Meanwhile, the 200 MP resolution can be used when you want to take sharp image details more practically," said Sadam.
Keleluasaan memotret dengan Expert RAW pun semakin lengkap dengan kemampuanzoomhingga 100x di Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G. Dengan kelebihan tersebut, Sadam bisa mengambil fotoclose updari detail bangunan tertentu dengan hasil yang tetap jernih dan tidak pecah. For Sadam, zooming in at 100x was very helpful because there are many large buildings in Uzbekistan that have interesting details in every corner. So, even though he had to shoot from a distance, Sadam could still get the desired image composition.
Buat foto kamu saattravelingjadi lebihepicdengan Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G
Sebagaimana diceritakan di atas, Sadam lebih banyakhuntingfoto dengan Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G ketimbang pakai kamera selamatravelingke Asia Tengah. Tidak hanya kagum dengan kualitas kamera dismartphonetersebut, Sadam juga merasa terbantu dengan baterai besar 5.000mAh on the Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G that lasts all day on a single charge. So, he can freely take pictures and use the device all day without having to bother charging it in between his adventures.
Sadam juga suka dengandurabilitydari Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G yang benar-benar kokoh. Ia mengaku perangkat sempat beberapa kali jatuh saat sedang memotret di alam terbuka, bahkan ada momen ketikasmartphonetersebut jatuh di kisaran 1 meter ketikahiking. Even so, the condition of the Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G remains fine without any significant damage.