Electric lighting in Indonesia is still not evenly distributed. For those who live in Java Island, electric lighting is no longer a problem. However, conditions outside Java such as Papua is very contrasting. One example, in some district in Lanny Jaya Regency as Tiom, Malagaineri, Mokoni, Bokon, Indawa, Wiringgambut and Pirime. These areas did not have access to electricity and lighting. This is what makes Samsung Electronics Indonesia moved to hold a solar lanterns power program in the region.
Through the program called “1.500 Light to Lanny Jaya, Papua” which is part of the CSR program, Samsung Corporate Citizenship, the company donated solar lanterns power to people who do not get access to electricity and lighting in the District of Lanny Jaya, Papua.
“Solar lanterns provide easy to use, require no electricity or maintenance of the complex so it can support the productivity of the day as well as the interaction between family members more quality,” said Kanghyun Lee, Vice President of Corporate Business and Corporate Affairs, Samsung Electronics Indonesia, during a press conference in Jakarta (4/15).
The donation of 1,500 solar lanterns is welcomed by the Local Government of Lanny Jaya directly distribute the donations to the areas most in need of illumination. The local government considers donations lanterns solar power is very appropriate with the needs of the community Lanny Jaya Papua.
“Now by utilizing solar lanterns donated by Samsung, the children can study at night and women citizens can produce more woven in one day. Woven made citizens of Lanny Jaya used as additional income to support the needs of everyday life,” said Sendius Wonda, the Acting Regents of Lanny Jaya Regency.
Solar Lanterns which is environmentally friendly and easy to use this is given in order to support the Earth Day 2017 is celebrated every April 22. As the name implies, this lantern is quite exposed to the sun for ten hours to get full energy and provide lighting for twelve hours.
There are three modes of lighting can be selected, that is bright, very bright, and flashing, can be adjusted so that the needs of the user. This lantern can also be folded and easily stored, can be hung or carried while walking, so that also supports the mobility of the day.
“Improving the quality of life from various aspects, be it education, health, and welfare, has always been a major concern for Samsung Electronics in building community wherever Samsung are. We hope that our donation can be utilized to the fullest and bring happiness to the citizens of Lanny Jaya,” said Kanghyun Lee.